...and he can see 'em all

NL Only Rotisserie Baseball observations...from the bottom of a league.

Monday, April 17, 2006

3 minute egg

...that's what Tyler Walker has become. Imagine that egg in the microwave and it blows up all over the place and you can never quite clean up the residue. Just watched him turn a 2 run lead into a 2 run deficit. He's gotta go--just release him back into the ocean and let nature take its course. Arm was chewed last year and came back too early off injury in September and now is just dangling meat-chad, waiting for the great whites.

Only hope is that Finley is in the game now and can combat these snakes with some of his own venom. Maybe he remembers playing in Retirementville a couple years ago... Sad state of affairs this bullpen. Felipe should have pulled Fassero one inning sooner, but can't blame either of them at this pt.

Somehow, Correia got out of the inning, so only down two, going to the top of the 7th--still time.


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