NL Only Rotisserie Baseball observations...from the bottom of a league.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Stat-less in Seattle
Night on the town with NW Ales, or the Orioles/Mariners at Safeco? Not a hard choice for this NL ONLY guy. Where's the interleague play when you need it?
words can never satisfy thirst...
...and it is my hope that the words here in this blog can inspire you to satisfy your thirsts with something tasty, local, and fresh. Regardless of where "local" is for you, there are great ales and beers being produced all over the world that are accessible.
My home base is San Francisco, so I am lucky. The Old Lucky Lager Brewing Company of San Francisco had it down, with their 1950's slogan: "It's Lucky when you live in California!" Of course, they did this for every other Western State where they were distributed, but I use this slogan to illustrate how lucky I am to live in NoCal, where there are endless hoppy ales for me to sip.
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