Scary Movie, Part II
Original Scary Movie for the Giants....Buttmando, hands down (despite his virgin save last night vs. LA)
Scary Movie, II? ..... Pedro. Let us down with man on 2nd and 3rd earlier in the game with tied score and G-men with momentum.
Then, after Ray Ray made a rare out (these days) who strolls up to the plate but our last chance, tying run, Mr. Curve Ball agnostic himself. I knew right away that the game was over. Saito made him look like a fool with the "Here comes King Charles; Martin is set up off the plate for it, so no surprises" hooking so far out of the strike zone that a little leaguer would have laid off. Not our Petey.
You can take all your arguments about how his 60 RBI's are a huge improvement, blah, blah, blah, blah. Same ol' choke artist that NONE of us ever want to see with a game on the line.
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