...and he can see 'em all

NL Only Rotisserie Baseball observations...from the bottom of a league.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Yes, you CAN !

Since 100% of my readers (all 3 of you) are in SF, you should know that as of today, San Francisco re-invigorated a tradition that was in place from 1935-1981--canned San Francisco Beer! And, it's at our favorite watering hole, 21st Amendment Brewpub and Restaurant on 563 Second, near Brannan--just a short walk to or from the ballyard on the Bay.

Read all about it here: http://www.brookston.org/beer/>

Here's the impact of this retro development for us, from a pragmatic perspective--easier to smuggle canned microbrewed ales into the ballyard than its bottled brethren (take it from someone who is experienced).

So, stop by our brewpub before or after a game (or any time--like me!) and grab a sixer to go!


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